There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
We are currently have a few openings for beef halves in 2025.
Hurry and reserve so you don't miss out.
Check out this great video
Steve grew up on a dairy farm and between us we have raised horses, dairy goats, chickens, turkeys, emus and show dogs. One day Steve noticed someone selling Scottish Highlands, an unusual breed of cattle. The more we researched the breed the more we liked them. We decided purchasing one or two Highlands was a good idea. Well, obviously Highlands are like potato chips, you can't have just one or two. We now average over fifty head in our Scottish Highland fold.
A group of Highlands is called a "fold" not a herd. This breed is very docile, intelligent, excellent foragers and are recognizable by their horns and long hairy coat. Because of their coat they do very well in the Iowa winters only needing protection from the winter winds. It has been noticed that Highlands do not increase their feed intake until the temperature drops to -18 degrees F, other breeds increase their intake at 32 degrees F. In the hot weather they need shade and appreciate a stream or pond to cool off. Highlands have a great longevity, they've been known to calve at 20 years. Because our cattle are not treated with hormones or an antibiotic regimen this grass fed and grass finished beef is a much healthier meat. A study conducted by the Scottish Agricultural College showed that Highland beef is significantly (about 40%) lower in fat and cholesterol. It contains more protein and iron than other beefs.
This photo is of a lovely young lady that wanted to have her senior pictures taken with our Highlands. She is crazy about Scottish Highlands and we were happy to accommodate her request.
Due to the popularity of our meat, we are not at the Farmers Markets. If you'd like to purchase some good for you and tasty beef you can contact me via email me at highlandsofdecorah@gmail.com. We are currently taking orders for beef halves.
In addition to our Highlands, we also raise miniature horses and have foals for sale. Email me for more info.
We encourage you to attend the local Farmer's Markets. The vendors work hard to supply these goodies for you.
Due to selling halves direct to customers we will no longer be at the Market
Decorah market runs May - Oct
Wednesday afternoon 3pm - 6pm
Saturday morning 8am - 11am